Tuesday, January 11, 2011

There's No Such Thing...

...as a SNOW DAY in Chicagoland.
Off to School

Helping Daddy Clean the Car

Eleanor and her good buddy Elise tromp into school in their snow gear.

A Kindergarten Science Lesson on the structure of snowflakes

Examining snowflakes with a magnifying glass in the same (well, almost) way the 19th c. scientists did

Snow boots in the hall...Rynn has to bring her gym shoes in her backpack!

My friends and family, who are curled up with your hot chocolate enjoying the recent winter storm that shut down the South, enjoy your snow day today and pray for my toes to thaw after getting two children to school and shoveling my driveway.  I know, poor me.
I'm off to HOT YOGA.


  1. You can't imagine how much I have thought about you as I sit inside and look out at the lovely snow.
    Please archive this comment!

  2. Oh--sweet memories of those difficult mornings trying to just get the car out of the alley (frozen door and all!). It won't last forever! Thanks for the lovely cards and art...we miss you all! Stay warm and keep up the arctic explorer spirit.
