Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hey, why not listen to a sermon?

January is a month for resolutions.  The Christmas trees are on the curbs, piles of gray snow are in the gutters (in Chicago, anyway), the sky is gray, and well, it is easy to feel blah.   Sometimes that 'blahness' creeps into our spiritual lives.  I tell myself I am going to read my Bible this January. This is going to be the January I will attend to my spiritual life with the regularity that I attend to runs or yoga.  Then the mundane chores of life creep back in, the laundry piles up, and the liveliness and mess of children explode around me.  Sometimes I wish I had the discipline of Susanna Wesley, mother of the 18th c. evangelist Charles Wesley, who threw her big apron over her head to pray while her 19 children ran around her.  Skinny jeans and yoga pants don't afford the coverage of an 18th c. apron, but I have one thing on Susanna. INTERNET.  Listening to sermons while I fold laundry, drive in the car, or prepare a meal is amazingly nurturing to my soul.   I want to remind you of two links on the sidebar of my blog to our church here (GRACE) and to our former church in Portland (HOPE).  Both have regularly posted sermons to encourage your heart and soul.

Check out Jason's most recent sermon on  chapter 12 of Revelation ("The Resolution of the Years").  What better way to start the new year than with the end of the story?

And on Hope's website you can hear another sermon, preached thousands of miles away by Casey Bedell (HOPE's pastoral intern) on the same Sunday.    (Way to go Casey on your first sermon! Well done!)

Happy listening and Happy New Year!

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