Sunday, August 21, 2011

No Training Wheels!

Watch out world.
The training wheels are off.

  Jason rigged up a handy handle with a set of old road bike handles.  They made a perfect hand hold for giving Eleanor the confidence to TAKE OFF!


  1. Way to go, Dad and Eleanor! We have one more to take the leap of faith as regards bikes! What fun! Will you be riding to school?

  2. Not riding to school until we perfect the START and, more importantly, THE STOP! Excited to be such a short walk this year though.

  3. High fives to Jason for his handlebar handiwork! I started laughing when I saw it, but that's awesome.

  4. Can you frame the picture with the caption - perfect!
    I wrote somewhere, now gone, that I think Jason needs to patent that bar and start selling them.
