Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Come on Down to the Lake With Me

What fun is cold weather if you can't brag and blog about how freezing cold it is here?  After all, talking about how tough we have it here in Chicago winters is a city pastime.  I might as well join in the fun.  This morning it was FOUR degrees.  Brrrrrrrrr....

Kenilworth Beach this afternoon

A whale kissing a shark?

waiting to catch the shot...
 Got IT! (and almost fell in the lake in the process)

Northwestern's Campus
(And my favorite running route until yesterday when I hit a patch of ice.  Both feet went flying in front of me leaving my bum to take a nice hard slam into the sheet of ice below.  Maybe it is time to join a gym.)

Ice Covered Rocks looking remarkable similar to a pile of petite fours I've seen at baby showers

Rock Graffiti 
"No matter where our travels take us may we always remember this place we once called HOME and the ways in which we grew..."


  1. And just think these pictures are good for 4 more months! Thinking about you all the time.

  2. 1. Great Pictures
    2. I would put in for a transfer
    3. I just got a runny nose just looking at your pictures.

  3. I literally started shivering just looking at this pictures, and it is not exactly warm here--20 degrees with high winds. I guess your Mom will finally get the cold weather she is always craving. Atlanta, also, hasn't been a shrinking violet lately in the weather department!

  4. Love the pictures! Hope your bum is not too sore :(

  5. LOOKS REALLY COLD! Any broken bones? Just bruises I hope. At least there is sunny skies!!!

  6. what a change from portland! it has finally been cold here the last couple of days. i DON'T think that it is safe for you to run outside until the spring. join a gym! by the way, i didn't know that you were running again. want to do a half marathon with me? i am looking into one in seattle at the end of june - i think, personally, it would be a good time for you to visit the pacific northwest for some sister in law time! what do you think??!!

  7. Love the photos...I have such fond memories of watching the amazing changes of the lake and beach. So beautiful every time of year! We are hoping to see you all next weekend...are you free to get together on Sunday afternoon/evening? Let me know what works!
