Friday, August 27, 2010

Back to School

Eleanor and her Kindergarten teacher Mrs. Nelson

Today was a big today for the Little family, a rite of passage of sorts.  Eleanor started kindergarten.  Well, sort of.  For an hour she and I got to explore her new classroom, meet her teacher, and play in her new space.  Kindergarten in Wilmette is only half day- translation... two and a half hours.  Her teacher is fabulous, very engaged, and hilarious.  I think it is going to be a great year.
First day!  

My Big 2nd Grader

For Rynn, starting school was both exciting and a bit scary since she left behind lots of good buddies and a great experience at Richmond Elementary in Portland.  I've been so proud of her as she has been so brave and so positive about her new adventure.  She expressed her first bit of disappointment today when she came home.  She said that she really misses Japanese.  I guess a Spanish teacher came in and sang a few songs, and Rynn said she felt disappointed.  "It made me want to spend the afternoon in Japanese, Mommy," she said.  I didn't cry (in front of her anyway), but I pray that we will be able to find a place to encourage her love of a language that we stumbled upon in Portland.  It is hard to let things go and to understand why God brings about change in our lives.  I'm thankful for the amazing schools and opportunities that are before my children in this area, and I am learning from their positive attitude and courage.  As with any change, there are things we leave behind and new things to embrace.  
Lockers!  I had to wait until 6th grade to get a locker, but here on the North Shore you have to have a locker to house all that snow gear come winter (kids here are required to wear snow pants and boots to school for P.E. in the winter).

lots of excitement and a little bit of nerves about her new school...


  1. It will be fun to hear what next week brings to the girls...change takes a bit of time to become comfy!

  2. i am amazed at the way rynn is handling the change. it bodes well for all the life will bring her! maybe she will be our world traveller! i hope that you find something in your short time without kids to relax and feel more than just a mom and wife in your new city! we will talk soon.
