Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Rynn Reads to the Dogs

No. This isn't Roscoe with some new highlights, and yes Roscoe is still our first love, but this is another special dog to whom Rynn read for a happy thirty minutes at the library. As I've mentioned before I am in love with our library. And now even more so. Rynn participated in our library's program "Read To The Dogs" this past weekend (read more about it at The program is certified therapy dogs and their volunteer owners who spend an afternoon in the library reading with children. After Rynn picked out a stack of books, she went to one of the quiet rooms where she sat on the floor with this precious yellow lab and read to her for half an hour. Eleanor and I spent the time on the other side of the library. Rynn's comment, "Mommy, the dog really listened! She did! When can I read again!."
And for those of you interested in our church HOPE, we have some exciting changes ahead for which you can pray. This Sunday we are moving to Morning Worship (9:30am!) at a new location near Grant Park (yep, near Ramona. I'm excited.) We hope this will be a good move for the next chapter in our church's life. Pray that the transition will go smoothly, that we'll have new visitors, and that God would grow our congregation here in Portland. Thanks!

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