Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day!!

"Snowmaggedon" ain't all bad.

Activities of the day included:

One Snow Cave built by Jason in the backyard
Snowshoeing in the park 
Kite Flying
Sledding off a snow ramp from the top of the deck
Shoveling the driveway
Doing cannonballs off snow mountains in the driveway 


  1. great post..we have friends that made a great igloo in their back yard..I can ask how, but, I know that after the built the cave like you have, he poured hot water over it to smooth it, and then added more snow! they made it with our first snow fall, and it is as sturdy as a brick house!! I know the temp. had to be really now, to pour the hot water over the top, I can ask more it you want! enjoy our days off!

  2. LOTS of snow....looks like some winters in Colorado! I think Chicago may get more snow than we do....

  3. Looks like you all make the best out of every situation! Have fun playing!

  4. Your snow cave looks like it was tons of fun. Hope you guys are doing well, and staying warm!
