Saturday, February 12, 2011

Little Girls in the Big City

Sometimes, as my Uncle Billy says, "you just got to get on that train and RIIIIDE."
Not bad advice.

 We rode the 'L' from our neighborhood to downtown this afternoon, making stops along the way for spirits and treats, with no other agenda than being together and exploring the city.

We saw a mobile homemade bike powered puppet show... 

and ate blue and pink cookies at Intelligentsia Coffee.

Photos are IPhone quality, but you get the idea.

Rynn's favorite part of the adventure?
when the Red Line goes underground

Eleanor's favorite part?
the "Reeaaaaallllllly tall buildings"

Gross moment of the day?
Eleanor licking the handholds on the L train 

Yummy moment of the day?
Sweet potato fries and a local microbrew from a great restaurant on Devon called Uncommon Ground

And on another note.  Today the temps climbed above the freezing mark to a balmy 35 degrees.  I felt like pulling out my shorts!   I'd like to point out that this winter has been Chicago's coldest winter in 27 years.  Don't believe me?  Consider Chicago's meteorologist Tom Skilling's report.
 (I know, you are all getting a bit bored with me talking about the weather.  This is IT.  I promise!)
"The meteorological winter season has been a long one to date--with more than twice the normal snowfall (53.4 inches vs. 23.3 inches), the fewest above-freezing days of the 141 winters on record (12 vs. the average to date of 41), and the greatest late season snow cover (17 inches) since 1979.


  1. You can talk about the weather all you want. It reminds me how grateful I am to live in Santa Barbara=:)

  2. I thought we had the "worst" winter when we were there...but you picked an even better 1st year to break you in. We love the puppet bike and Uncommon Ground on Devon (just 2 blocks from our old place!). I do sometimes wish we were there, your discoveries makes me so nostalgic! Don't worry-those balmy days at the beach are coming your way....
