Friday, May 21, 2010

All Clogged Up

Tonight Eleanor crawled in my lap and said, "Mommy, can you not go out of town and away anymore?."
"Why, peanut?"
"Well, because I'm all clogged up," Eleanor said.
"What do you mean all clogged up?."
"I'm all clogged up with love for you.  I had lots of love for other people I was with but my love for you was stuck inside, and it got all clogged up.  Now it all has to gush out and I need to cuddle you a lot to let it out."
"I think we can arrange that babe." (sniff. tear. sniff...Ok, this mommy gig ain't all bad)

1 comment:

  1. There were several times I could see in her eyes she was longing for a cuddle from you...a sadness that she tried to hide.
