Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Frontyard Sumo Wrestling

My camera is broken, and well, maybe a bit of my creative energy is broken too as of late.  Which is why we adults need to have children around.  Consider the latest scenario at the Little house.

 I'm sitting on the front porch in my rocker like an old lady and watching my children kick the soccer ball in the front yard.  I step inside to pour a glass of red wine.  By the time I return to my front porch perch I find two naked girls stripped down to their underwear, slamming into each other with their stomachs, and then rolling around in the grass.

 "What, my dear ones, are you doing for all the neighbors to see?."
"Moooommmm...don't you know?  We're sumo wrestling.  Like they do in Japan. Watch. (insert yelling here with a Japanese accent)  I'M A SUMO WRESTLER."  body slam. body slam.

Why, of course, how could I not have known?  Suddenly all of life takes on a greater perspective.

1 comment:

  1. They are too funny! Wish I had an actual picture, but I can see one in my mind's eye!

    By the way, your post about Roanoke came up on the RSS feed, but does not show here on the blog????
