Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Just some more Stuff

This past Sunday Jason preached on Psalm 18. He spoke of how David, in penning the Psalm, understands the context of his own life in the context of the bigger story that God is bringing to completion in the world (you can listen to this sermon or others of Pat and Jason's at www.hopeportland.org). When I think back on the past two and a half years we have been in Portland I am amazed and surprised at the story that God is writing in our lives and the great privilege of being able to serve Him. Today Pat Roach, our friend, pastor, and fellow church planter, came over to talk with Eleanor about taking the Lord's Supper. My eyes teared up in the kitchen watching Jason holding our daughter in his lap and Pat lovingly talking to her about Jesus. I asked Eleanor later if she was scared having Pat come over to which she replied, "Scared? Why would I be scared, mommy? That would be like being scared of Jesus! And I love Jesus!." I feel overwhelmingly thankful today for the blessing of being here, for the experience of church my children are having, and for the story that God is writing in our lives as we live out the mundane routine of making a life in this world.

Part of the joy of watching my children grow up is the privilege of being a part of their communities. While our church community is increasingly becoming more and more dear to us, there are other communities being built in our little corner of Portland. Through the girls' friends and relationships our relationships are expanding. Today Eleanor and I joined her preschool class and many parents for a preschool skate with 'Chipper.'

...where Eleanor did the hokey pokey with some friends...
and we ran into -by surprise -a fellow Hope member Tricia and her little man Seth...

And earlier this week, over the weekend, we enjoyed hosting a potluck for several families from the Japanese Immersion Program who live in our neighborhood. As the months pass, these relationships, brought to us through Rynn and her community, grow deeper and more special. I wish I could have caught a picture of her to post, but she was in constant motion that night...LOVING having people over..for a while anyway. She echoed her mommy's sentiment by saying, as I tucked her into bed, "Mommy, that was a little crazy. That was A LOT of kids."

Some Richmond Elementary parents, Ann and Dexter, flash some smiles.
and Jim gets a bit crazy
while full out mayhem ensues in the basement with 19 children under the age of 2nd grade. Egads. Our basement is worth every penny...concrete walls, concrete floors. Ahhh, an ode to unfinished basements everywhere.
...and relative calm upstairs.

The Shoe Pile- a Portland phenomenon
So, here is another thing I love about living in Portland. People take their shoes off at the front door. I've never lived in a city where it is so natural to take your shoes off. Perhaps it is living in a muddy, wet climate or maybe it is the West Coast Asian influence, but I kind of like it. Check out the pile of children's shoes by our front door. And the amazing thing to me is that they all did it without parental instruction.
...and more mayhem trying to get all those shoes back ON their feet.

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