Thursday, November 19, 2009

How do the days pass so quickly?

I logged onto this website today and was surprised to see that nine days have passed since a post. Perhaps my mind is slowing down with the darkening days that seem as though they are racing at full speed toward less and less light. The rain and gray skies have arrived, those infamous Pacific NW visitors that creep in and settle a blanket of quiet on this restless city. Two birthdays have passed- both Jason's and mine- as well as a wonderful visit with Cathy. Thanksgiving is already next week, and with Rynn sick again I am reminded of the comment that "the days can be so long, but the years so fast." Is it really possible that we are in our third year living here, making our roots here, and seeking to serve Christ and His church here in this corner of his Kingdom? I feel a deep thankfulness for his grace today. I'm thankful that even as the darkness of winter presses in around us the light of His sanctifying work in our hearts presses us onward, changing us, and drawing us to the cross.

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful reminder of the call to live out of grace each day....hoping Rynn is better!
