Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cherry Picking

Isn't there a saying, "Don't cherry pick?." Perhaps there is some wisdom in that...
Eleanor and our neighbor Elizabeth watch Jason risk his spinal cord for a few -O.K., a lot- of cherries from the neighbor's tree. Remember those cherry blossoms I posted a few months back? Now they are boasting their yummy, melt-in-your-mouth fruit flavors.

Rynn catches the falling cherries while Roscoe enjoys snacking off the ground. He LOVES fruit!

"Did someone say Cherry???"

In other news, today I looked through a microscope for the first time in, oh, TWENTY YEARS. Yep, that's right, folks, 1989. Ninth grade. That was the last time I took Biology until today when I swabbed a few cheek cells from my inner left cheek and actually looked at them under a microscope! How cool is that. I could see the little nuclei and even some bacteria. When I last took Biology I was in a cheerleading outfit and computers were the stuff of the movie War Games (remember that flick?). Now my textbook has images of electrons taken with computerized microscopes that can see all kinds of things. I had to concentrate so hard today in lab trying to figure out my microscope that I had a headache by the afternoon. Taking a science class has been a good dose of humility pills in regard to my intelligence. IT IS DIFFICULT and this History major is not used to thinking in these terms!


  1. Those cherries were sooo good!

  2. Great the new dresses on the girls. I am certain Jason was MORE than careful given the recent events of the summer.....
