Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hope Presbyterian's First Membership Class!

For my friends and family who are faithfully supporting and praying for us out here in Portland, I thought you might enjoy seeing some pictures of Hope's first membership class which was held yesterday in our living room. It was an exciting step in the life of our church.
Below is Pat Roach, head pastor of Hope, walking folks through some of the basic cornerstones of belief for Hope.

All those random chairs we've accumulated from garage sales along the way came in handy!

Afterwards, a few people journeyed up to Rocky Butte- a highpoint in the city about two miles from our house- where on a clear day you can see Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Hood, and downtown Portland. was sunny but cold.

Hanging together and enjoying some Portland SUNSHINE.

Rynn sporting my first ever Ebay purchase- a brand new Land's End coat I found for $15. I'm feeling pretty proud of myself. That little white bump in the distance is Mt. St. Helens, missing its top after exploding in the eighties (I think?).

Eleanor says, "Brrrrrrrrrrr. Good thing I'm still wearing my PJs."


  1. I love that Rynn is in jeans! How fun. Eleanor does look rather chilled! What a grand day...sunshine!

  2. Love the photos and thrilled to see the new membership class! God is so good.
    I also really like the new look of your blog -- I find it easier to read actually. And the background color just suits you guys down to the ground. :)
    M x
