Sunday, October 21, 2007


Remember the days when you received a fresh box of Crayola crayons? The kind with their bright cheery colors popping their heads out of a new box- no broken ones, no nubby ones, and maybe even, if you were lucky, a box of 64- promising great artwork ahead. I thought of these crayon boxes today as I hiked the Eagle Creek trail in the Columbia River Gorge (read more @ . Crayons which boasted names such as 'fern, forest green, shamrock, mountain meadow, pine green, yellow green' came to life as I hiked through God's amazing crayon box this afternoon. With my friend Laurie leading the way past waterfalls, through old growth forests, and over high bridges, I walked over ten miles in some of the most beautiful land I have ever seen. Trees covered in a hairy green moss rose up from a deep gorge cut by a raging stream. Waterfalls collided with other waterfalls in their urgent race to the Columbia River. Tiny snakes and furry caterpillars shared our trail. At the risk of being trite I will say I was awestruck. I have never seen so many shades of green, so many different varieties of moss, or yellow leaves eighteen inches wide dropping from the trees above. Awesome.

Laurie checking out the trail ahead.

Hairy Trees

This was shot from behind a small waterfall...a little chilly guy looking for some sun...sorry, buddy.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. CaroLINE: Thanks for your diligence in doing this blog site. The photography and news is great. I would have responded sooner but I just got our account and password information from Cathy. Great job!

  3. I'm so glad you took a picture of our snake.
