Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Year of the Snake

I've been craving a bit of color lately
cultural color
physical color.

  Chicago's Chinatown was the perfect recipe.
This afternoon thousands packed the streets of Wentworth Ave.
to welcome in the Year of the Snake.
The girls and I decided to join them.

Not sure how these guys got into the parade???
I guess everyone needs the Scots...

.... and maybe a little Chicago South side soul too.
This guy had a dance troupe of pink tutu clad dancers behind him.
And he wasn't afraid to shake it either.

There is a legend about the Chinese New Year 
that an evil lion comes out to eat Chinese people.

The legend goes that hanging "potion-laced lettuce" above the door attracts the lion.  Then loud fire crackers, drums, and gongs will scare him away or put him to sleep once he eats the lettuce. Lots of firecrackers.  Definitely drums.  Oh, and more firecrackers...everywhere.

 We rode the L down
which was so easy and so much fun.
  Every time I do it I wonder
 why I don't do it more.
 Chicago is amazing.
And so are my fun little girls
who are ready to see the world...
or at least the piece of the world
 that is just down the tracks.

On the way home...
an entire bag of freshly baked fortune cookies.


  1. I see even Miss Kitty got in on the act. I would love to have Eleanor's new Chinese outfit. We had a lot of hungry lions around DC, also. This gets me motivated to go to Chinatown.

  2. Great to hear from y'all!! Eleanor has worn that outfit for three days...wore the shirt to school today. Have fun on your adventure to Chinatown. We can't wait to go back.
