First week of school down. First week a success.
When did my children get so old?
I think I am in denial that they are growing up.
Then I see- on Rynn's 4th grade school supply list-
a 4 gig flash drive.
I barely know how to use my own flash drive.
I was so ready for routine, for a bit of alone time, and for school to begin.
But now that they are gone each morning the quiet feels a little strange.
Our summer beach bag- filled with half used tubes of sunscreen, a few stray pool toys,
and a small pile of sand from Lake Michigan-
gave way to soccer cleats, water bottles, and shin guards today.
Despite the 99 degree temperatures summer feels officially over.
But the girls are so happy to be back,
and we are excited for another amazing year-
our third!!- at Central Elementary School.