Sunday, June 12, 2011

Running Hills

 Sometimes life feels like you are running uphill.
Your legs ache.
Your heart is straining.
The top feels so close, and yet the more you run the further it seems.

This is a bit how life has felt the last few weeks.

The flurry of activity connected with the final weeks of school- fun.

The fullness of working part time to finish my CNA training- sort of fun some of the time.

Jason being out of town for week at G.A. (that is Presbyterian speak for the national meeting of our denomination) and being a single mom trying to work- mostly not very fun.

Being in a rental house that is for sale (i.e. constant phone calls from the realtor, strangers in our home, trying to keep it clean, making our own moving plans, etc.)- very, very much not fun.

For the next two weeks we'll be running the home stretch of this uphill run as we pack up our house, clean out, simplify, and prepare to move to our fourth floor condo.  

The crest of the hill is in sight.  The girls finished school on Friday after a wonderful first year in our new city.  Rynn is already excited for the third grade. 
 We are a few weeks away from a trip to Colorado- mountains, backpacking, sunshine, and family. 
 And the day we load up the van to head West will feel a bit like....

...running downhill with the smile of freedom on my face.

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