Wednesday, January 27, 2010

THree pipes

Tonight at dinner Eleanor asks, "Mommy, did God make us with three pipes at the top of our body and one pipe at the bottom? Like, we have one pipe for water, one for air, and one for my food? And then it all comes out at the bottom through one big pipe?."

To which I replied, "Eleanor, I think you have a better grasp on Anatomy & Physiology than I have after a term and a half." I'm starting to think we should trade places, and they should put me back with the playdough and circle time.

And perhaps our dog is also beginning to pass me by on the IQ scale. He has not only discovered the butter dish for a handy evening snack, but it seems that tonight he discovered the fruit bowl to satisfy his desire for the nighttime munchies. I walked out of the girls' room after story time only to find my very handsome, regal Weimeraner sitting proudly with a fresh apple in his mouth to which he had helped himself from the freshly stocked fruit bowl that was on the kitchen counter (at the BACK of the counter I might add). I'd say he is feeling at home with us. Good thing we are quite smitten with him.

And for you granmas and aunties out there that are thinking, "Caroline, we appreciate your little anecdotes, but really, can you just post some pictures of the kids?." Well, I'll get on that as soon as I can. This new fangled technology takes some figurin' you know.

1 comment:

  1. Miss E can really puts concepts in order in her mind! She thinks often and deep, huh? And, Roscoe...he might be a bit more persistent than Obie about getting to the food, or rather taller and more able to reach those "out of reach" places.

    I think you should get a new Macbook Pro as well!
