Thursday, June 11, 2009

Goodbye Kindergarten!

Kelly Sensei (Rynn's English teacher) announces the names of the kindergartners as they 'slide' into 1st Grade. I think the tradition comes from when the school had much older playground equipment with a really big slide on which the kindergartners were not allowed to slide. The rite of passage was getting to slide down the slide and officially become a 1st grader. The playground is all new now, but the tradition remains.
Rynn slides down and Jason goes to great lengths to get a video!
Congratulations Rynn!

Some popsicle fun with friends.

"All I want for 1st grade is my two front teeth, my two front teeth..."
Rynn and her friend Marina

Eleanor's thoughts on the day (and this is her exact quote) -
"Ugh. When can actually GO here instead of just standing in the halls."

Eleanor...not to be shown up by any kindergartners!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like our weather...don't expect sunshine because we have had Portland weather for two weeks...bring the sun with you! Fun! Love the Hannah outfits!
