It has been one week since Jake became part of our family, and already he is quite at home. He comes to us when we call, he plays with us off leash at the park, he cuddles with us in the evenings, and he gracefully and eagerly accepts the girls hugs. Life with a dog has changed. I've walked or run more in the past week than I have in the past month combined. I've talked to more people in the park than I ever have with just my children. Here is a slice of the people who have introduced themselves to me this last week because of Jake.
Cindy- owner of dog 'Andy', told me her whole divorce story and troubles with her thirteen year old after I let Jake off-leash to play with her dog Andy
John- Older retired man who loves to walk his dogs to the park
Two hippie jimbay players- while burning candles and playing their drums this afternoon in the park, these two guys eagerly struck up conversation about jake, etc..., and turned into the girls and I listening to their drums for twenty minutes
Charlotte- Her Weimeraner 'Amos' played with Jake in the park. She also is a foster mom for Weimeraners, loves them, and was full of advice. Jake wearied of playing with Amos, and sought refuge by my side.
Mike- Was quicker than a hippie mom offering breastfeeding advice to tell me that I shouldn't be using a choke chain...that there are more humane means of walking your dog. Oh, and by the way, he has friend at the Humane Society who he could call if I needed help with Jake. Thanks, Mike.
Brenda- a homeopathic physician from Connecticut/neighbor who walks her dog "Conner"- a gorgeous Golden Retriever- by our house at least once/week. We had the longest conversation I've ever had with her. Why? Because Jake was with us in the front yard.
So, all this got me to thinking. What is it that is so special about animals? Is it the way they seem to understand something we don't about our crazy human world? Is it the way the give affection and listen to our problems without offering advice? Is it the sense of love that fills our hearts in being able to nurture something? I think the answer to all these questions is YES. But more than anything, the thing I find most amazing about having an animal is the way he opens the doors for human relationship. It is stunning actually. So, I raise a toast to our new buddy Jake.
Cindy- owner of dog 'Andy', told me her whole divorce story and troubles with her thirteen year old after I let Jake off-leash to play with her dog Andy
John- Older retired man who loves to walk his dogs to the park
Two hippie jimbay players- while burning candles and playing their drums this afternoon in the park, these two guys eagerly struck up conversation about jake, etc..., and turned into the girls and I listening to their drums for twenty minutes
Charlotte- Her Weimeraner 'Amos' played with Jake in the park. She also is a foster mom for Weimeraners, loves them, and was full of advice. Jake wearied of playing with Amos, and sought refuge by my side.
Mike- Was quicker than a hippie mom offering breastfeeding advice to tell me that I shouldn't be using a choke chain...that there are more humane means of walking your dog. Oh, and by the way, he has friend at the Humane Society who he could call if I needed help with Jake. Thanks, Mike.
Brenda- a homeopathic physician from Connecticut/neighbor who walks her dog "Conner"- a gorgeous Golden Retriever- by our house at least once/week. We had the longest conversation I've ever had with her. Why? Because Jake was with us in the front yard.
So, all this got me to thinking. What is it that is so special about animals? Is it the way they seem to understand something we don't about our crazy human world? Is it the way the give affection and listen to our problems without offering advice? Is it the sense of love that fills our hearts in being able to nurture something? I think the answer to all these questions is YES. But more than anything, the thing I find most amazing about having an animal is the way he opens the doors for human relationship. It is stunning actually. So, I raise a toast to our new buddy Jake.