Saturday, October 11, 2008

Burnt Orange, Blue Skies, and Bungalows

Oregon is vibrant with colors as fall has arrived to Portland. The intense oranges and reds in the trees and in the produce at the Farmer's Market stand in contrast with the autumn blue sky and the green evergreens of this state. Jason explained to me that red and green are opposites on the color wheel as are blue and orange. I wonder if that is why the colors of fall resonate so deeply with me. Even in the 'death' of summer and the impending gray of winter there is so much life and beauty and color in fall. I love the seasons. Our friends who are refugees from Southern California speak of the 'seasonlessness' of that region. I'm thankful that God has brought us to a place where the passing of time is so concrete, where each passing season brings with it its own beauty as well as a hook to hang my memories upon.
We went to a pumpkin patch outside of Portland yesterday to pick the last of the summer blackberries and romp among the cheery October pumpkins. WHat a wonderful celebration of the beginning of fall!

Picking very ripe, very flavorful blackberries.

Rynn picks up her chosen pumpkin.

Eleanor takes a rest on her favorite pumpkin.

A run through the hay maze.

Some Saturday sun catching the colors on our backyard maple.

A view of Mt. Hood taken this afternoon- seven blocks from our house. And you wonder why we love Oregon.


  1. BEAUTIFUL pictures! Eleanor looks particularly grown up in these pictures...of course, she will be 4 before you know it!

    I, too, love the fall....everything about it.
    Your maple is gorgeous again this year. Hope ours is as red!

  2. Beautiful Pictures, Caroline. You are right about Southern CA. We don't have much change of seasons, just endless months of sameness. I get sad about that.
