Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Day of Kindergarten! (sort of...)

Rynn started school today! Well, sort of...she was there for an hour and a half to meet her teachers and tour the school without mom and dad. Her Japanese teacher Yoshida greeted her at the door, and there was no letting any mommies by. She stood guard like a sentinel keeping us weepy parents out. Rynn did great, marching in with confidence, and told me when I picked her up that she wanted to stay longer. She will start in earnest on Monday, September 8th. Check back tomorrow for pictures of Eleanor's first day of preschool!

1 comment:

  1. What sweet pics! Love the Gymboree dress...I just looked at it over the weekend! Rynn, you look so...well, OLD! How the five years have passed so quickly only Mom and Dad know. It makes Grammy feel really OLD! Enjoy the time, have earned it. Cannot wait to hear about Eleanor's first day. Monday, here I come!
