Thursday, February 21, 2008

Miracles and Mysteries

"Mommy," comments Rynn, "I think I'd like to go to outer space, but maybe I'll wait 'til I'm ten, 'cause that's a long, long time away." And so went the conversation last night as we watched the most spectacular lunar eclipse I have ever seen. Not only did we enjoy a beautiful, clear, crisp night (the clear part of that equation being the rarity in these parts), but we saw the eclipse between 6pm and 7pm- just as the moon was making its slow rise over the horizon. It was HUGE, still with the pink glow of sunset, as the earth's shadow began its absorption of the moon's bright glow. The moon here, when visible, is quite dramatic rising over Mt. Hood, but to see the moon being taken over by an eclipse while it was so low on the horizon was truly awesome. The orange, coppery glow provided an eerie faint light for a brief time before the moon reasserted its normal bright white. Meteors and moon shadows...and all in one week.

Other fun fact of the day.... on the very beach which we collected sea glass last week, Arch Cape, some beach combers uncovered two cannons on Tuesday. Archaeologists say they date to an 1848 schooner named The Shark which crashed on the rocks of the Oregon Coast. To find pre-Civil War cannons on the West Coast is apparently quite something. And to think we were walking over them! On the very beach pictured below! Jason teases me that I am a frustrated historian, but doesn't that capture your imagination?? Perhaps there's buried treasure. Ahoy Mate.

Cannons? Under those two? week later. soooo cool.


  1. I was unable to see the color of the eclipse...but the shadow (somewhat). It was partly cloudy, so the clouds diffused the viewing. What a gorgeous shot of the event! Did you take the picture? I love the one of Jason and daughter on the beach! That one is one for the books.

  2. No...I didn't take the moon picture or the one of the men pulling out the cannon. Those are curtesy of THE OREGONIAN- should have credited them. But the moon looked just like that picture. Crazy pretty. And I did take the photo of my two special beach combers :).
