Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Meteor Magic

So, here is the latest news from this magical state they call Oregon. Today, at 5:30am, a meteor sailed across the sky lighting up the predawn sky and supposedly crashing somewhere in Eastern Oregon. Pretty cool stuff, I might say. Here is an excerpt from the Oregonian's web site,

"The reports started coming shortly after Tuesday's first signs of daylight.
A massive fireball streaked across the Northwest skies about 5:31 a.m. and exploded with a large boom, sending fiery streaks toward the ground.
Dog walkers saw it. Early exercise fanatics saw it. A private pilot flying a small plane over Washington state saw it.
And even one of the security cameras at a local hospital caught the action.
Experts say what everyone saw was a large meteor, visible because of a days-long pleasant break from cloudy weather.
"That's what this is really all about," said Dick Pugh, a member of Portland State University's Cascadia Meteorite Laboratory. ""When you have such clear weather, it makes an even bigger impression on you because usually when you look up, all you see are clouds."
Pugh, a retired Cleveland High School science teacher, said the meteor -- which becomes a meteorite if it strikes the ground -- was going from west to east. Witnesses reported seeing it in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. "
Read on at http://blog.oregonlive.com/breakingnews/2008/02/a_bird_a_plane_a_ufo_no_that_w.html

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