Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ice Skating

This Christmas Grammy & Pops gave the girls ice skates.
I've been putting off a post about ice skating 
with hopes of snapping some good pictures of the local outdoor rinks,
 a Midwest phenomenon that continues to amaze this Southern girl. 
 Every winter, once temperatures consistently stay below freezing, 
 local fire departments flood parks to create 'natural,' outdoor ice rinks.

Jason skating last winter (January 2011) at Gillson Park in Wilmette.

This winter has been too warm for the 'natural rinks' to freeze. 
Many backyard rinks sit empty waiting for what folks call a "real winter."

I took this picture last winter (December 2010) of a backyard ice rink in our neighborhood.
Some local rinks have help from underground coils 
which keep their ice frozen until spring.  
These are more traditional ice rinks 
with glass walls and admission prices, 
but they are much more fun 
than the indoor ice rinks
 I've always known.

 Today, a group from our church gathered 
to skate and enjoy a cold sunny afternoon together.
 I finally got those ice skating pictures 
for which you grandparents have been patiently waiting!

Eleanor giving our friend  Jess some high fives.

Ice skating on Chicago's North Shore is a VERY big deal.  Kids here know how to skate, and they learn early.  These little guys- pictured below- go to our church.  Not even in Kindergarten yet, they are tearing up the ice in their hockey skates and gear.  It is not uncommon for four or five year olds to skate several days a week.  Their gear weighs more than they do, and they can navigate an ice rink like little mini Blackhawk players.  It's amazing!

 See that sweater I'm wearing?
That is an original (and my first) hand knit Cathy Little sweater.
Cathy- it fits great and is perfect for Sunday afternoon ice skating!


  1. That ice skating looks fun! Your sweater is so cute - what a great job she did. Does it have a hood or a collar? I can't tell in the photo.

  2. Hey Caitlin! The sweater has a really cute hood that is sort of 'elf-like' (goes into a point). I'll try to get some more detailed pics of it and post them.

  3. Glad to see you all were having a great time....maybe skating will be in order upon my return trip to Chicago!
