Grammy came to visit last weekend! We drove to Eugene to celebrate Jack and Molly (the cousins)'s birthdays. Lots of fun for all. Rynn is getting a good cuddle after a busy day with Grammy.
A little celebration of the new babies born in our church (and one to come in December!) was at our house on Sunday morning. I had some Pacific NW cultural education when I announced the brunch as a "Sip & See," and no one knew what I was talking about except Mollie Carter (below on the right) who is from Nashville. OOPS. (In case you don't know either, a Sip& See is a Southern phenomenon where you "sip" coffee/tea and "see" a new baby). Toto, we are not in Chattanooga anymore.

Little Simon looking 'O so Handsome in the morning light.

Little Simon looking 'O so Handsome in the morning light.