Sunday, July 31, 2011

Back in the Big City

Here's the thing about a great vacation-
sometimes the rest, the space, the adventure is so life giving
that coming home is kind of nice.

We've been back in the big city for a week.
The girls and I are hanging at the pool, seeing friends, and staying in our PJs until we are ready to not be in our PJs. 
For the first summer ever I have graduated to the formerly enviable group of moms who sit in lounge chairs and watch their young charges or, better yet, actually get to read a book.  
A book made it to my lap on Wednesday (I only read one page in three hours, but hey...who's counting?).

Daddy is back to work. The condo is organized, settled, and feeling like home.  We feel alive with the hope of new beginnings in a city that is no longer so new to us. I, for one, am immensely thankful our first year of transition is over, and we are returning to things that feel like they are becoming "ours."  I am excited for the year to come and hopeful for what it will hold.  
Living in this area of Chicago is truly amazing.  There is still so much to explore and discover. This fall I hope to explore some of the many Chicago neighborhoods and share them with you.
But, until then, I am sticking close to the home front.

Enjoying the lake.

Enjoying my children
my church
my community

And soaking in every last ray of warm summer sunshine my body can absorb.

Because God is good.
And as Ray Cannata, pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New Orleans, said to us this morning, "The Kingdom of God is a feast.  Christ is Lord of the feast.  It is not that we long for too much.  We long for far too little.  Only God can fill you.  The hunger you feel deep inside...let it drive you to Christ and be ready to share the feast."

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Home Again, Home Again

Home Again.
To Colorado- 
one of the most consistent threads of place
 in the fabric of our ten and a half years of marriage.

Days with Grammy and Pops in Ft. Collins...

exploring the surrounding hills

and stealing away for a weekend in Portland 
while the girls stayed in Ft. Collins with Grammy and Pops.
 (more on this trip to come...)

Four days of camping with
Grammy & Pops (Jason's parents)
Gretchen (Jason's sister), Kyle, Jack, & Molly
see more pictures of the car camping

Colorado Columbine

Tasting Indian Paintbrush in an alpine meadow

While the rest of the crew journeyed back to Ft. Collins for more fun, crafts, and play at Grammy & Pop's house, Jason, Gretchen, and I met up with our old Portland friend Anna for five days of backpacking.

 We spent five days and four nights backpacking the Maroon Bells loop- a 27 mile loop circling the Maroon Bells peaks near Aspen.  Four 12,000+ passes, four basins, alpine lakes, snow, best Colorado wildflowers we've seen in years,  and views galore. Pretty much....unbelievable.
More pictures HERE

Gretchen pumping water with me out of  Snowmass Lake- 11,000 ft

Home Again.
To Chicago's North Shore-
our latest stop in this pilgrimage of faith.

More thoughts to come in the coming days...
To all we saw in Portland and Colorado...
we love you.  

As Eleanor put it over a slice of pizza at the pool last night,
"Mommy, I think once you know a person you become attached to them, 
and that is something hard to ever go away."
Amen, baby girl.